Monday, September 03, 2007

Pageant of the Golden Bough

Warning: Picture heavy post (again!) When we arrived in Brugges, we discovered that we were just in time to see the Pageant of the Golden Bough. This pageant occurs every 5 years, and has done since the middle of last century (I have misplaced my little book, so I can't remember exactly, but it is around then). The pageant tells the story of Brugges, using the marriage of some Burgundean nobility (Margaret and someone else!) as a central theme. Initially I was a bit underwhelmed, but I have to say, it was an amazing sight! I have millions of pictures, so I tried to pick just a few of the best. There was even sheep & a weaver! Brugges was a textiles area, so there was lots about fabric and textiles. It was pretty crazy - there were 3 wise men, giants, Norse fables about swan men, King Arthur - the whole gamut!

The pageant walked past us for nearly two hours! There were lots of kids in it, who looked pretty tired, and so many animals that were very well behaved! Some of the horses were spectacular, and fairly highly strung, but it all looked very organised. It was an amazing thing to stumble across. Sometimes the best things about holidays are like that - the things that you happen upon, rather than the tours and plans that you have made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fantastic! You are quite right - those unplanned, off-itinerary moments are absolutely the best.